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Former CEO, NSW Land Registry Services
Adam is the principal of Great Change Consulting and the author of "Great Change – the way to get big strategy done."
"One must bear in mind that there is nothing more difficult to administer, dubious of success, nor dangerous to execute than to introduce a new way of doing things. For he who does has enemies of all those who profit from the existing way of doing things, and only lukewarm allies in all who may profit from the new"
~ Machiavelli, 1532
Why do you want to be a Group Chair?
I love being involved with and engaged with great businesses, and I’ve reached a stage in my professional life where I’d like to contribute to the greater good by helping individuals and organisations adjust and transform in the face of a rapidly changing world.
Countries worked in
Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Qatar, Malaysia, United Kingdom
Industries worked in
Management Consulting, Financial Service, Property Registry
Key Roles & Titles
Former CEO, NSW Land Registry Services | Former CIO, NAB | Author, Great Change
Management Skills & Competencies
  • Strategy Execution
  • Leadership
  • Resilience
  • Innovation & Creativity
Companies worked with
  • Price Waterhouse Coopers
  • IBM Global Business Services
  • CapGemini Ernst & Young
  • National Australia Bank
  • Bank of New Zealand
  • NSW Land Registry Services
Current City
Sydney, Australia
Traditional Japanese karate, running, travel, fitness, reading
Book Recommendation
The innovator's dilemma, Clayton Christensen

Get To Know, Adam

Adam is the principal of Great Change Consulting and works with CEO’s and executives on the delivery of large scale transformation. As a former big-4 bank CIO, CEO and blue-chip management consultant, he has over thirty years of experience working at the intersection of digital disruption and technological change.

He’s the author of Great Change – the way to get big strategy done, published by Wiley, and an Adjunct Professor (industry) at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Adam was the first post-privatisation CEO for NSW Land Registry Services and led the transformation of the former government department into a successful and highly profitable private sector company. Prior to that he held senior roles at NAB including CIO, and EGM roles in Strategy Execution, Digital & Direct Banking, and Technology & Operations at BNZ.

He commenced his career in management consulting with PwC and Capgemini where he consulted to a range of blue-chip clients over a 13 year period as a corporate and operations strategy specialist. He’s a graduate of University of Technology, Sydney (Bbus), Harvard Business School (AMP) and has completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) course.

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