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Amanda Vinci - CEO, EA Institute

July 1, 2021
Amanda Vinci
CEO, EA Institute

Amanda Vinci is an Internationally Accredited Coach, Practitioner of Meta Dynamics, Accredited EDISC Consultant, Leadership Enthusiast and International Keynote Speaker and Trainer.

Starting her career as an entry level administrator, Amanda worked her way up supporting senior executives in a range of industries. Her last role supporting the Managing Director of a global change management firm, had her realise how difficult it was for senior leaders and businesses to achieve bigger, bolder commitments inside of the ‘traditional’ EA 1:1 operating model. It was time for a dramatic shift in how businesses utilised administrative support. Shortly after, Amanda founded The EA Institute, where they partner with organisations to create high performing business assistants, that are aligned to the business needs.

"You will get all you want in life, if you help other people get what they want."
~ Zig ZiglaR




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