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Inquiry Into Economic Equity For Victorian Women

August 2, 2021

I applaud Ms Carol Schwartz AO, Ms Liberty Sanger and Mentor List Group Mentor, Mr James Fazzino, for their commitment and drive in leading this inquiry.

The following quotes from this article are music to my ears, and I look forward to watching this inquiry unfold. Finally, there will be accountability, strong implemented change, and focus.

view full article details here
“We cannot have a strong economy without fully supporting women in the workforce, this is vital for our recovery and continued economic growth.”
“Women have enormous contributions to make to our economy – this Inquiry will identify practical steps to undo the systemic inequality which has denied women equal opportunities for too long.”
“As we recover from the coronavirus pandemic, we have an unprecedented opportunity to make permanent  changes to the way we live, care and work – to rebuild a fairer, stronger and more equal economy, for everyone.”

Are you an organisation who also face challenges with the right approach to gender equity & diversity “what are your roadblocks”, how do you go about making this better”, “you know what you want to do yet struggle with the how….

Here is how we can help...

We work with your Talent Acquisition and management team to elevate and enhance what you are already doing to address these challenges, we assist with the support and hiring of exceptional women in tech while also creating an environment where these women can thrive, through our advisory, assessment and development frameworks.

Your competitors are really caring about and addressing this topic, do not get left behind. You need to step up and advocate now.

Book your first introductory session by clicking the button below and allow us to help you piece this especially important movement together.

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