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Frances has a wealth of leadership experience in both the public and private sectors. She draws on extensive experience in information technology, large transaction processing centres, customer contact centres and client relationship management.

Frances has held the position of Chief Executive Officer of Cenitex since July 2019. Cenitex provides shared information and Communications Technology (ICT) services to the Victorian public sector. It enables departments, agencies and more than 55,000+ users to deliver services for the Victorian community.

Prior to joining Cenitex, Frances was with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for 14 years and for the last 7 years held the role of Chief Financial Officer. As Chief Financial Officer she managed a $3.6 billion operating budget and a capital budget in excess of $180 million including a property portfolio of approximately $300 million. Frances led several business divisions within the ATO, comprising very large workforces of up to 7500 employees across 36 national sites.

Frances’s roles in the ATO provided her with a strong understanding and appreciation of public service ethics, delivery to government and the community.

Each of her roles has included regular appearances at Senate Estimates, frequent appearances at other committees of enquiry such as the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) and regularly briefing Minister’s and their advisors.

Frances has held various committee positions over her career including the Australian Bureau of Statistic 2021 Census Board, the Victorian State Revenue Committee and the Federal Circuit Court Audit and Risk Committee.

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