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Aligning technology with your organisational strategy - Webinar Replay

October 7, 2020

Webinar now ready to watch on-demand.

A key takeaway from the discussion is what you build and how you build it.

The What

  • Leverage insights from customer behaviour to form your strategy
  • Choose what’s important for your strategy from those insights – you can’t do everything at once
  • Identify core competencies and capabilities needed and how these could be scaled.

The How

  • The How is hugely important as the What becomes academic if the delivery is too slow and fails to meet market demand in time.
  • On really important customer tech assets have a stable team and bring the work to them – don’t assemble a project each time, less work will get done and you’ll lose pace.
  • On bigger pieces, set the scope for ‘minimum marketable product’ and protect it tightly for delivery, then tackle the next cycle of MMP – this approach builds confidence and delivers in market earlier.

Never build anything without a committed business sponsor to partner with IT – hold both accountable for the delivery collectively.

We mentioned a follow up session on the webinar and will reach out shortly to those who identified interest. If you'd like to know more or have any questions please get in touch.

Watch Webinar Replay

Featured Speakers

Ian Renwood

Partner - Technology Consulting, Grant Thornton Australia

Claire Rogers

Managing Partner, Mentor List CEO Advisory

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