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Claudine Ogilvie - Chief Information Officer at Jetstar Airways

Claudine Ogilvie
Claudine Ogilvie
Chief Information Officer at Jetstar Airways
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A board director and senior executive skilled in strategy, technology leadership, fast paced customer centric environments. Claudine has a demonstrated ability to build high performance teams and cultures, also leveraging her experience in the Australian Olympic Sailing Development Team.

Claudine has led innovation and transformations through technology leadership roles for the Jetstar Group of Airlines, Ridley Corporation. Strategy, consulting at KPMG, and strong career foundations in Sales, Marketing and Product Management.

Claudine was awarded Top CIO50 in Australia in 2016. She is a 2015 graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD), and boasts a wealth of international experience through Jetstar’s Branded Airlines (Singapore, Japan, Vietnam), Ridley’s Thai operations, work with KPMG in China and other international leadership roles. She has a Bachelor of Business from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia (B.Bus) and a Diploma of Business Management from the Ecole Supérieur de Commerce Reims, France (Dip.Mgnt).

Coach and mentor to talented young aspiring leaders from a variety of industries and a former Australian Sailing Development team member, experienced in high performance environments, leadership effectiveness.





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